Life at Level 3

Fitness, anxiety, takeaways and learnings So here in NZ, we’re about to move down in the COVID Alert level system from 3 to 2 (4 is the max at full lockdown). We’ve been in alert level 3 now for 16 days, and it’s been an interesting time. Many people returned to work under social-distancing practices,Continue reading “Life at Level 3”

3 Day At Home Silent Yoga and Meditation Retreat

I’m going to start with off my life-changing realisation! You too can get all your answers to life, the universe and more, just by following this process for a 3 day retreat. . . Just kidding! No, I did not have any huge epiphanies or make any major life changing decisions. But it was timeContinue reading “3 Day At Home Silent Yoga and Meditation Retreat”

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