Day 32 – 26/04/20

Yoga, listening & napping

So I’ve been a little hungover today and very tired. Despite sleeping around 10 hours, it really shows how much the alcohol affects your sleep – not sure why I keep doing it. Any which way, I think I’ve still made a pretty good day of it.

Sidenote: The Wanaka Warrior race I did yesterday – I was expecting this to kill my core – but apparently it was my outer hips and inner thighs. Therefore, today has been waddling around most of the time!

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I started off the day with Slow Flow – very shaky and weak which is understandable after the previous day, but I got through it. Then I got to catch up with an old friend from the UK – we pretty much only catch up on our birthdays so twice a year. Normally we just message, but this year we ‘Zoomed’ and it was like no time at all had passed – absolutely lovely morning.

Followed up with the steak and roast veggies that weren’t eaten the night before, yet I was still hungry. Snacked on hummus, veggies and crackers throughout the afternoon. Now, I did a EFT tapping online conference a while ago, and the same people are friends with these guys running other conferences online. One is ‘How to Heal your Life’ and starts next week – that one’s 2 weeks long so not sure how much of it I’ll get to watch.

The other one is ‘Food Revolution Summit‘ and is 8 days long, starting today. So basically these entail interviews with various professionals and experts in the related field. There’s about 2-3 hours of content a day and it’s only available for 24 hours free, so there’s a lot to listen to! I listened to 2 of the interviews today, one was more about COVID. However, the other was with Dr Zach Bush, who specialises in the microbiome (gut and immune health). Extremely intelligent and articulate guy, I enjoyed listening and have signed up to his personal newsletters.

I then decided to do some ‘work’, though above could be seen as that as well I guess. I started listening to ‘The 7 Habits of Highly effective People‘ (most of you probably know this book from the late 80s) but, I never really actively listened or took any notes. So I’ve started again, and am taking a much more engaged approach. Unfortunately I was still very tired, and did end up napping on the couch after a little while.

When I woke up, I decided to go for a wander round the neighbourhood, which loosened my waddle up a little. There are a few little alleyways and things around our block, and I went up one I never had done today. Turns out, it goes into a mini-park with a bunch of trees – pretty cool little space, and literally round the corner.

Came back and had a long Yin Yoga session – man I needed this but it was painful! I also got very cold and shivery towards the end, so followed up with a ‘Californian Wellness Bowl’ from Naked Kitchen (these are great if you don’t want to cook, but want healthy and they’re a good price too) and of course a cup of tea.

Now I’m snuggled up under a blanket, watching skating videos with other flattie. Probably look to watch a movie soon. Tomorrow starts with a Yoga sesh and then hopefully a bunch more “work”. I should probably go for a bike ride as well, as it’s been a few days – there was no way that was happening with my legs today!

We made it to day 32. I’m unsure if I’ll continue into level 3, so tomorrow may be the last day – or maybe I’ll just do random days, we will see. Stay strong, and enjoy the last day, if you’re back to work this week.

View from a local mini-park

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